Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Marc Anthony Eulogy for Tito Puente

Marc Anthony
To Marc Anthony Tito Puente seemed superhuman to him. He was the founding father of Latin music as we know it, the master of masters. He took all the hits in the beginning. Without Tito, who would have carried it on this long? Who would have helped generations make Latin music their own? He and Anthony came from the same neighborhood in Spanish Harlem, and, knowing that, Marc felt nothing was impossible. The day he met him, he said he reminded him of his son, and thereafter he treated him as a son, always telling him, "Keep it up. You're on the right track." He had no idea how much those words meant to me. Tito's presence inspired us all. He was a man who was revered, honored and respected, in his lifetime. Marc Anthony thanks God for giving me the opportunity to know and care for one of the most amazing men ever to walk the earth, for his funny stories and infectious laugh, for his honesty and generosity, but most of all for his friendship. He honored Marc Anthony by playing with him at Madison Square Garden. He knew Anthony was nervous, so he hung out with him in the dressing room before the show. That was Tito for you. He was his friend, mentor, godfather and inspiration, and it's painful knowing I'll never see him walk through a door and fill up a room again.
RIP Tito Puente.

James Brown

James Brown
James Brown the Godfather of Soul, As a child Brown picked cotton, danced for spare change and shined shoes. At 5 years of age he moved to his Aunt's brothel in Augusta, Georgia during which time he learned to play piano, drums and guitar. At 16 he was imprisoned for stealing and landed in reform school for three years where he met his future band leader Bobby ByrdAfter his release, Brown tried his hand at boxing and baseball but a leg injury caused him to give up the bat and pursue music full time. He eventually joined Byrd's gospel group The Gospel Starlighters who would eventually change their name to The Flames.He came out of poverty and prison to become one of the most influential popular musicians of the modern era. He is credited with bringing funk to popular music, and his tireless touring and skill at promotion made him a legend. His first big hits came in 1965 with "Papa's Got A Brand New Bag" and "I Got You (I Feel Good)." Brown has had over 100 hits in the U.S and more than 50 top ten R&B hits, and he continues to perform and collaborate with jazz, rock and funk performers.

Sammy Sosa

Sammy Sosa
Sammy Sosa, One of the greatest baseball players now days. Sammy was born on November 12, 1968 in San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic, he had a hard childhood with his father passing away when he was just seven. His family lived in an abandoned hospital while Sammy sold oranges on the street and shined shoes to make ends meet for his mother and six siblings. He started playing baseball at fourteen, but had to use a branch instead of a bat, an old milk carton for a baseball glove and a sock rolled up as a ball. It is very sad to see all the trouble and hard times he went trough as a kid, but thank god look and see who Sammy Sosa is now, Because as he started to grow up he started to become better and better at what he like that was baseball his passion and look to where his passion let him, so its good to fallow something you like doing and know you’re good at. He and his family deserve it.

Celia Cruz Changing Times

Changing Times
Celia Cruz

They use to call Celia Cruz The Queen of Salsa, she was born in the small village of Barrio Santra Suarez, Havana, Cuban born salsa star, Dr. Celia Cruz studied voice and music theory at the Conservatory of Music in Havana, beginning her career on radio and television in the Caribbean. In 1960 Celia Cruz decided to come to The Unites States after Castro took power. She began recording with Tito Puente's band in New York City and had toured throughout the Caribbean, North America and much of Europe, she been featured in many films including the 1992 release, "Mambo Kings", and has recorded over 70 albums. Celia is known around the world for her beautiful music, she believed that God has blessed her with immortality through her music. For Celia music was the truly universal language. Celia loved all types of music. She record the salsa rap piece “ La Negra Tiene Tumbao”. Celia also filmed with Ernesto Fundora, the video “ Mi Vida es Cantar” but unfortunately she died July 16 of 2003.
RIP Celia Cruz

Monday, November 06, 2006

Hotel Rwanda

The Movie Hotel Rwanda it’s very sad. Paul Rusesabagina is a hotel manager at the hotel Rwanda, him and his wife that are from different tribes which she is endanger but he promises his wife that he will protect the family he loved ,and ended up finding the courage to save over 1200 people. Paul, secretly used his position and intelligence to shelter over a thousand refugees during the genocide crisis. While the rest of the world closed its eyes, Paul was very brave; it was great that he help his family but helped the community also.The movie is based on the Rwandan Genocide which was unfortunate a true story. The Rwandan genocide started in late march 1994, when the Rwandan president Habyarimana was assassinated. The Hutu that were the major ethnic group of the country blamed the Tutsi who were another ethnic group in power; The slaughtering began that same day and in two months more the 500,000 Tutsis had been exterminated by the Hutu while the United Nations and the U.S stood by and did nothing to stop the massacres. Is very sad that events like this are still happening 12 years later, like the Genocide in Sudan where Muslims are killing Christians. But well like I say hopefully someday the people that use that ignorance will all see that we’re all the same no matter how different we may seem. The movie impacted me a lot because it’s hard to watch it knowing that it did happen, because when we watch a scary movie we may get scare but we think of it as it isn’t real but this was, it was very sad watching those hard moments because I know people had to go trough that. The Rwandan was a tragic event that will hopefully open the eyes of those who still think that way and made those realize that ignorance and self hatred needs to end.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Angelina Jolie KWL


Angelina Jolie it’s a very famous celebrity that has shown care for others,She's the daughter of the actor Jon Voight, and born in the film industry.

Anglina wrote this article about one of her missions in the book Celebrity Writing In America.


What will Angelina Jolie new mission be?

What was it that motivated her to do this mission?

What will her purpose be in the mission?


Colombia has the worst internal displacement problems.

The war in Colombia is going on for forty years now and every day people are killed.

Ecuador is one of the smallest countries in the world.

Seventy four percent of territory of Colombia is controlled by guerilla or paramilitary groups.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Coretta Scoot King

When my proffesor Welch asked the class if we knew who Coretta Scoot was, I didnt know, but after reading the article that my proffesor gave me I am very glad I ascertain who she was. Coretta was a person that was very auxiliary,she avow anything she thought and had no
diffidence. She was Martin Luthers King wife and had 4 kids. Coretta and Martin share the same ideas and thoughts but after he was assassinated she didnt change,she keep on with her efficacy,she was very brave like Rosa Parks both womans knew what they wanted and how to do it no matter what,They knew how to fight for rights, Mrs. King continued to serve the cause of justice and human rights; her travels took her throughout the world on goodwill missions to Africa, Latin America, Europe and Asia. In 1983, she marked the 20th Anniversary of the historic March on Washington, by leading a gathering of more than 800 human rights organizations, the Coalition of Conscience, in the largest demonstration the capital city had seen up to that time. Mrs. King turned over leadership of the Center to her son, Dexter Scott King, in 1995. She remained active in the causes of racial and economic justice, and in her remaining years devoted much of her energy to AIDS education and curbing gun violence. Although she died in 2006 at the age of 78, she remains an inspirational figure to men and women around the world.
I am very proud of Coretta Scoot King for everything she did and for everyone she help. She was a very intelligent woman and well appreciated by millions of people now days.

Rosa Parks

The article about Rosa Parks was very interesting because some of the events that it mentions such as how the the polices were involved in terrorizing black communities and how bad white people threated them broke my hearth because color dosen't matter.But am gald that in the first decade of the 20th century,the article mentions Black Americans united to reclaim their lost civil rights. Rosa Louise McCauley was born in Tuskegee, Alabama. Rosa Parks "Mother of the Civil Rights Movements" was born during a very difficult era, An era that could be defined as the apartheid. She was the granddaughter of former slaves and the daughter of James McCauley, a carpenter, and Leona McCauley, a rural schoolteacher. Back then black americans lived with anguish because of the constant abuse from the white people, not only in public transportation, in theaters, in stores,in restaurants and in bathrooms, public parks and libraries also. They were treated inhumanely. The abhor of the white people against Black Americans were the reason for many hate crimes against them. Ku Klux Klan memebers and unfair police officials destroyed theirs homes unfairly prosecuting them and treating them with intense ferocity. White people’s arrogance went far beyond color,they could not abstruse that they were human as well. This was a period of lots of humiliation also called “nadir period”. This was the environment in which Rosa Parks was born and raised. Not even those conditions stopped her for being one of the most courageous women of her time. She very well deserves the name of the Mother of the Civil rights Movement. She married Raymond Rosa Parks, a barber, with whom she became active in Montgomery's chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Rosa Parks was a very brave woman, I thank her alot for what she did. It was well done.

September 11

September 11, Wow I think about it and it was the scariest and saddest day of my life and of other citizens also. The moments and days that the news were announced and we heard helicopters flying around ,Millions of people were in panic in U.S.A . This was an event that changed the whole United States when it ocurred. It was based on terrorist attacks against American civilians. Thousands of people died, and millions were affected. Today September 11, 5 years after this horrable event and experience we feel all the pain and suffer every September 11. I still remember how the news surprised me and how tears ran down my face because I have family in New York and in New Jersey, but every year when September 11 gets closer we can feel the fear in the air, We think that other attack could occur again. I still live with don't live the anxiety of not knowing if we are secure or not because I never though that something like that could happend to United States and it did. Everytime I think about it it shocks me.
RIP to all the innocent people that died Sept.11

Best Jobs in America

After reading the Best Jobs in America article, I found out that deciding between so many alternatives can be stressful and one has so many that we have to make sure the one we decide is not just because is one of "The Best Jobs in America" but because is something we like doing and if its giving us good money well ,good, But according to the article the second best job in America is being a college professor also known as postsecondary teachers. I think this is one of the most important type of teacher because is who really introduces students to the real world. Also because teachers are the ones who helps students to get into what could be their life job and introduce them to what they have to do in order to achive that goal or dream of what they want to be and teachers are ment to teach so they'll basically teach them and prepared them. According to the article the 10 year job growth has been of 31.39% which I think should increase because this job is one of the keys to have better education in this world.

Generation X

Generation X was an article that was a very interesting document to read. It gave a lot of information which I didnt know anything about . It was really helpful at the time of increasing my knowledge on social issues and generations because now days students get bored of reading the same topics which mades you feel like sleeping and can't consentrate about what you'r reading.Articles like this are the ones that I like because they keep you up and makes you want to know more. Generation X was an expounded article.